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U make bread with the wheat in the crafting table like WHEAT WHAT WHEAT
u can make bread from weet and seeds turn in to a weet
23:00 Omg!!! He broke the rules :O Never Dig Straight Down! Kidding
you can smoke the weed
The weat is for bread to heal u & the seeds what u plant turn into weat
wheat can make bread by three in a row
you can make bread and i think you can also make cake
you cant plant wheat,the seeds make wheat you can make bread and cake
Just a FYI diamonds spawn 13 blocks from bedrock
You should cook your meat it gives you more meat bars
3wheat + 2 sugar + 1 egg + 3milk = CAKE!
well the seeds will turn into wheat and if you put wheat in 1 row it will make bread so you can eat it
1cook your food before eating
2use coal in the furnice
3.seeds are wheat and wheat makes bread
4.melt the clay and make break out of them
5.diamonds are located near lava deep in the ground
6.if you want to find a good cave, dig a stair case in your house underground
7.when you find diamonds, you can only did it with a iron pick axe
8. spiders don’t hurt you in the day (also creepers and spiders stay alive in the day
9.don’t run, losefood
Seeds make wheat, wheat can make bread and you can also get animals with me and csn.breed
you cant plant wheat, you can craft bread which you can eat, and also when you get meat from pigs, cows and chickens, cook it to make your food bar fill more.
a flower can change the color of wool
if you make a stick then put two of a material on top you get a sword TO KILL
When Do u Think Your Gonna Make The IP Sever I Will Only Be On On Weekends
Also make a sword by putting iron/wood/stone/dimond/gold in the middle column up and down then stick on the bottom in the middle
if that makes any sence.. send me a message if you need any help with minecraft.. i have been playing for a while
when your walking on your planted seeds you will trample it and waist it.. hold shift to crouch and you wont trample it
you cant plant the wheat you plant the seed which turns into wheat which you can make bread with
you can use the wheat to make bread
make an underground bunker i was playing with this idea on my phone and its pretty kool